Being an alcoholic is not easy nor pleasant. Many of the individuals that deal with this condition do not even seem to know it, which makes it even harder for them to benefit from the help they need. Before you get to the point where you decide that you want to get treatment, there is an entire process that you go through, most of it being fighting with denial – denial that you no longer have control over your drinking. Getting help might be difficult when you don’t know what can be done.
When dealing with alcoholism, it will never be easy to make the best decision for yourself, for your health and even for your future.
A common mistake would be to just try and stop drinking on your own. Almost all situations end the same – alcoholics get back to their drinking habits sooner than they might think, usually hours after their last drink. One of the main reasons why that happens is the fact that they begin dealing with alcohol withdrawal symptoms, which can be unpleasant when dealing with a mild case and extreme when the side effects are horrible. We are talking about cases where withdrawal led to fever, hypertension and even hallucinations.
Especially when you do not have any experience with withdrawal, the best decision you could make for yourself or a loved one that is struggling with alcohol abuse would be to benefit from proper alcohol withdrawal treatment. Even better, before you even consider this change in your life, you should find out more about your options in regards to the best course of recovery. The recommended version is the one where you are supervised by trained specialists. It would be even better if you could stop drinking in a recovery center.
Keep in mind that these establishments were designed to make your experience as easy to deal with as possible. Seeing as you don’t really know what will happen hours after you stop drinking, it is imperative to talk to someone that can point you in the right direction. Truth being told, withdrawal is not something you can just try on your own because it can become too overwhelming. The smartest decision you could make in this case would be to talk to a treatment advisor that can walk you through all the stages of it and can tell you more about the signs of alcohol withdrawal.
When dealing with alcoholism, it will never be easy to make the best decision for yourself, for your health and even for your future. But, keep in mind that once you go on the path towards recovery, you are doing all the work that will help you reach your goal – improve your quality of life and get control over your life back. It will be challenging and you will want to drink throughout this whole experience, but you will learn to control this urge and say no to liquor. It may seem like something you can handle because you feel that you know enough about it to give it a try. But don’t.
Never try this at home, alone. You don’t really know how severe the symptoms might be and whether you will need to benefit from proper alcohol withdrawal treatment. What you should do instead is admit to yourself you have a problem. Then ask for help. If you continue postponing your recovery, you will be doing a lot more harm to yourself and to your loved one than you can imagine. Alcohol changes you and your behavior. It makes you drive away the people you care about and it distorts reality – your perception about the world, about life, about what matters and what doesn’t.
No matter how you look at it, the treatment you need is one click or one phone call away. Yes, it will be hard and no matter how much support you benefit from, you will be the one that will have to deal with all the symptoms of withdrawal and with the urge to drink. This is the kind of condition that you will have to fight against for the rest of your life. But, at the same time, alcoholism is something that you can live with. You can determine the quality of life that you will have after you cut alcohol altogether. But never try to do it without professional help.
If you don’t know where to start or even how to ask for the help you need, the solution is right in front of you. Ask all the questions you may have about this entire process. Reach out to our treatment advisor that is available 24/7 and find out what you need to do next!